• New Defects reported by C

    From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Saturday, December 09, 2023 16:46:00

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    5 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    5 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 5 of 5 defect(s)

    ** CID 470390: Program hangs (LOCK)
    /viewfile.cpp: 111 in sbbs_t::viewfile(const char *)()

    *** CID 470390: Program hangs (LOCK)
    /viewfile.cpp: 111 in sbbs_t::viewfile(const char *)()
    105 if(i >= cfg.total_fviews) {
    106 bprintf(text[NonviewableFile], getfname(path));
    107 return false;
    108 }
    109 if((i=external(cmdstr(viewcmd, path, path, NULL), EX_STDIO|EX_SH))!=0) {
    110 errormsg(WHERE,ERR_EXEC,viewcmd,i); /* must have EX_SH to ^C */
    CID 470390: Program hangs (LOCK)
    Returning without unlocking "this->input_thread_mutex".
    111 return false;
    112 }
    113 return true;
    114 }
    116 /****************************************************************************/

    ** CID 470389: (SLEEP)

    *** CID 470389: (SLEEP)
    /upload.cpp: 84 in sbbs_t::uploadfile(smbmsg_t *)()
    78 safe_snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"attempted to upload %s to %s %s (%s error code %d)"
    79 ,f->name
    80 ,cfg.lib[cfg.dir[f->dir]->lib]->sname,cfg.dir[f->dir]->sname,cfg.ftest[i]->ext
    81 ,result);
    82 logline(LOG_NOTICE,"U!",str);
    83 bprintf(text[FileHadErrors],f->name,cfg.ftest[i]->ext);
    CID 470389: (SLEEP)
    Call to "yesno" might sleep while holding lock "this->input_thread_mutex".
    84 if(!SYSOP || yesno(text[DeleteFileQ]))
    85 remove(path);
    86 return false;
    87 }
    88 SAFEPRINTF(str,"%ssbbsfile.nam",cfg.node_dir);
    89 if((stream=fopen(str,"r"))!=NULL) {
    /upload.cpp: 76 in sbbs_t::uploadfile(smbmsg_t *)()
    70 if(f->desc != NULL)
    71 fprintf(stream, "%s", f->desc);
    72 fclose(stream);
    73 }
    74 // Note: str (%s) is path/to/sbbsfile.des (used to be the description itself)
    75 int result = external(cmdstr(cfg.ftest[i]->cmd, path, str, NULL), EX_OFFLINE);
    CID 470389: (SLEEP)
    Call to "clearline" might sleep while holding lock "this->input_thread_mutex".
    76 clearline();
    77 if(result != 0) {
    78 safe_snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"attempted to upload %s to %s %s (%s error code %d)"
    79 ,f->name
    80 ,cfg.lib[cfg.dir[f->dir]->lib]->sname,cfg.dir[f->dir]->sname,cfg.ftest[i]->ext
    81 ,result);

    ** CID 470388: Program hangs (SLEEP)

    *** CID 470388: Program hangs (SLEEP)
    /inkey.cpp: 203 in sbbs_t::handle_ctrlkey(char, int)()
    197 }
    198 js_execfile(cmdstr(cfg.hotkey[i]->cmd+1,nulstr,nulstr,tmp), /* startup_dir: */NULL, /* scope: */js_hotkey_glob, js_hotkey_cx, js_hotkey_glob);
    199 } else
    200 external(cmdstr(cfg.hotkey[i]->cmd,nulstr,nulstr,tmp),0);
    201 if(!(sys_status&SS_SPLITP)) {
    202 CRLF;
    CID 470388: Program hangs (SLEEP)
    Call to "restoreline" might sleep while holding lock "this->input_thread_mutex".
    203 restoreline();
    204 }
    205 lncntr=0;
    206 hotkey_inside &= ~(1<<ch);
    207 return(0);
    208 }

    ** CID 470387: Program hangs (LOCK)
    /chat.cpp: 654 in sbbs_t::sysop_page()()

    *** CID 470387: Program hangs (LOCK)
    /chat.cpp: 654 in sbbs_t::sysop_page()()
    648 ,sys_status&SS_SYSPAGE ? text[On] : text[Off]);
    649 nosound();
    650 }
    651 if(!(sys_status&SS_SYSPAGE))
    652 remove(syspage_semfile);
    CID 470387: Program hangs (LOCK)
    Returning without unlocking "this->input_thread_mutex".
    654 return(true);
    655 }
    657 bprintf(text[SysopIsNotAvailable],cfg.sys_op);
    659 return(false);

    ** CID 470386: Program hangs (LOCK)
    /upload.cpp: 86 in sbbs_t::uploadfile(smbmsg_t *)()

    *** CID 470386: Program hangs (LOCK)
    /upload.cpp: 86 in sbbs_t::uploadfile(smbmsg_t *)()
    80 ,cfg.lib[cfg.dir[f->dir]->lib]->sname,cfg.dir[f->dir]->sname,cfg.ftest[i]->ext
    81 ,result);
    82 logline(LOG_NOTICE,"U!",str);
    83 bprintf(text[FileHadErrors],f->name,cfg.ftest[i]->ext);
    84 if(!SYSOP || yesno(text[DeleteFileQ]))
    85 remove(path);
    CID 470386: Program hangs (LOCK)
    Returning without unlocking "this->input_thread_mutex".
    86 return false;
    87 }
    88 SAFEPRINTF(str,"%ssbbsfile.nam",cfg.node_dir);
    89 if((stream=fopen(str,"r"))!=NULL) {
    90 if(fgets(str, sizeof(str), stream)) {
    91 truncsp(str);

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=HRESupC-2F2Czv4BOaCWWCy7my0P0qcxCbhZ31OYv50yp-2FP9gGRhvFklLaQKuBylUrkMFB3WMR2p7qIYKYTZrh4E6fW2ok94RcmG1J20ETIf4-3DH5pk_g4j7BHlu96plUOfCQsO0yRjoWZCZl8YGnZ-2FUtT39hrA21pPFXGEfXQOHUavDSOcBiYGiM9SWkNBClk7lfGbusFiEUl9SxTFTJ4pQ4-2BlyM1UpLT55ROOl-2F1zOiBksbquFQPYPy5IMrVblt0Rt7EqhjGmGGXslDjsDDEmF37IS-2FgX2UOIpLYk00zJWe4Ps-2Bw7o9YA3yT5trQhVa4wKyo5Ljw-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Monday, December 11, 2023 16:38:00

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 470457: Incorrect expression (SIZEOF_MISMATCH)
    /umonitor/chat.c: 201 in chat()

    *** CID 470457: Incorrect expression (SIZEOF_MISMATCH)
    /umonitor/chat.c: 201 in chat()
    195 in=-1;
    196 }
    198 utime(inpath,NULL);
    199 _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR);
    200 while(1) {
    CID 470457: Incorrect expression (SIZEOF_MISMATCH)
    Passing argument "&ch" of type "int *" and argument "1UL" to function "read" is suspicious because "sizeof (int) /*4*/" is expected.
    201 switch(read(in,&ch,1)) {
    202 case -1:
    203 close(in);
    204 in=-1;
    205 break;

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=HRESupC-2F2Czv4BOaCWWCy7my0P0qcxCbhZ31OYv50yp-2FP9gGRhvFklLaQKuBylUrkMFB3WMR2p7qIYKYTZrh4E6fW2ok94RcmG1J20ETIf4-3Dn7r8_g4j7BHlu96plUOfCQsO0yRjoWZCZl8YGnZ-2FUtT39hrC64hJyXzK3aRg-2FOh461xBPdPC3vMQG8wDm6SWRjPpByDWCbozrDoO3h7iN9haQ83FqvIEsneqqmYW1iHtvLfyFr9U7fTJVs-2FgzA-2B3NTVwG-2FkEOdCKTFxrJHyVvcaeKfjx-2FNRzmWtNl3SJh8ILqS8rD31VNGhVX-2F4wDJ-2F-2FhL0JK9w-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Thursday, December 14, 2023 16:44:00

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    5 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    6 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 5 of 5 defect(s)

    ** CID 470557: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    /mailsrvr.c: 3122 in smtp_client_thread()

    *** CID 470557: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    /mailsrvr.c: 3122 in smtp_client_thread()
    3116 }
    3118 BOOL* mailproc_to_match = calloc(sizeof(*mailproc_to_match), mailproc_count);
    3119 if(mailproc_to_match == NULL) {
    3120 lprintf(LOG_CRIT,"%04d %s !ERROR allocating memory for mailproc_to_match", socket, client.protocol);
    3121 sockprintf(socket,client.protocol,session,smtp_error, "malloc failure");
    CID 470557: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    Variable "spy" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
    3122 return false;
    3123 }
    3125 /* SMTP session active: */
    3127 sockprintf(socket,client.protocol,session,"220 %s Synchronet %s Server %s%c-%s Ready"

    ** CID 470556: (DC.WEAK_CRYPTO)
    /mailsrvr.c: 1157 in pop3_client_thread()
    /mailsrvr.c: 1159 in pop3_client_thread()

    *** CID 470556: (DC.WEAK_CRYPTO)
    /mailsrvr.c: 1157 in pop3_client_thread()
    1151 memset(&smb,0,sizeof(smb));
    1152 memset(&msg,0,sizeof(msg));
    1153 memset(&user,0,sizeof(user));
    1154 password[0]=0;
    1156 srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL) ^ (time_t)GetCurrentThreadId())); /* seed random number generator */
    CID 470556: (DC.WEAK_CRYPTO)
    "rand" should not be used for security-related applications, because linear congruential algorithms are too easy to break.
    1157 rand(); /* throw-away first result */
    1158 safe_snprintf(challenge,sizeof(challenge),"<%x%x%lx%lx@%.128s>"
    1159 ,rand(),socket,(ulong)time(NULL),(ulong)clock(), server_host_name());
    1161 sockprintf(socket,client.protocol,session,"+OK Synchronet %s Server %s%c-%s Ready %s"
    1162 ,client.protocol, VERSION, REVISION, PLATFORM_DESC, challenge);
    /mailsrvr.c: 1159 in pop3_client_thread()
    1153 memset(&user,0,sizeof(user));
    1154 password[0]=0;
    1156 srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL) ^ (time_t)GetCurrentThreadId())); /* seed random number generator */
    1157 rand(); /* throw-away first result */
    1158 safe_snprintf(challenge,sizeof(challenge),"<%x%x%lx%lx@%.128s>"
    CID 470556: (DC.WEAK_CRYPTO)
    "rand" should not be used for security-related applications, because linear congruential algorithms are too easy to break.
    1159 ,rand(),socket,(ulong)time(NULL),(ulong)clock(), server_host_name());
    1161 sockprintf(socket,client.protocol,session,"+OK Synchronet %s Server %s%c-%s Ready %s"
    1162 ,client.protocol, VERSION, REVISION, PLATFORM_DESC, challenge);
    1164 /* Requires USER or APOP command first */

    ** CID 470555: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /mailsrvr.c: 1089 in pop3_client_thread()

    *** CID 470555: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /mailsrvr.c: 1089 in pop3_client_thread()
    1083 if ((stat=cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PRIVATEKEY, scfg.tls_certificate)) != CRYPT_OK) {
    1084 unlock_ssl_cert();
    1085 GCESH(stat, client.protocol, socket, host_ip, session, "setting private key");
    1086 return false;
    1087 }
    1088 nodelay = TRUE;
    CID 470555: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    Calling "setsockopt(socket, IPPROTO_TCP, 1, (char *)&nodelay, 4U)" without checking return value. This library function may fail and return an error code.
    1089 setsockopt(socket,IPPROTO_TCP,TCP_NODELAY,(char*)&nodelay,sizeof(nodelay));
    1090 nb=0;
    1091 ioctlsocket(socket,FIONBIO,&nb);
    1092 if ((stat = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_NETWORKSOCKET, socket)) != CRYPT_OK) {
    1093 unlock_ssl_cert();
    1094 GCESH(stat, client.protocol, socket, host_ip, session, "setting session socket");

    ** CID 470554: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    /mailsrvr.c: 3122 in smtp_client_thread()

    *** CID 470554: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    /mailsrvr.c: 3122 in smtp_client_thread()
    3116 }
    3118 BOOL* mailproc_to_match = calloc(sizeof(*mailproc_to_match), mailproc_count);
    3119 if(mailproc_to_match == NULL) {
    3120 lprintf(LOG_CRIT,"%04d %s !ERROR allocating memory for mailproc_to_match", socket, client.protocol);
    3121 sockprintf(socket,client.protocol,session,smtp_error, "malloc failure");
    CID 470554: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    Variable "rcptlst" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to. 3122 return false;
    3123 }
    3125 /* SMTP session active: */
    3127 sockprintf(socket,client.protocol,session,"220 %s Synchronet %s Server %s%c-%s Ready"

    ** CID 470553: (DC.WEAK_CRYPTO)
    /mailsrvr.c: 4204 in smtp_client_thread()
    /mailsrvr.c: 3078 in smtp_client_thread()
    /mailsrvr.c: 3079 in smtp_client_thread()

    *** CID 470553: (DC.WEAK_CRYPTO)
    /mailsrvr.c: 4204 in smtp_client_thread()
    4198 }
    4199 if(!stricmp(buf,"AUTH CRAM-MD5")) {
    4200 ZERO_VAR(relay_user);
    4201 listRemoveTaggedNode(&current_logins, socket, /* free_data */TRUE);
    4203 safe_snprintf(challenge,sizeof(challenge),"<%x%x%lx%lx@%s>"
    CID 470553: (DC.WEAK_CRYPTO)
    "rand" should not be used for security-related applications, because linear congruential algorithms are too easy to break.
    4204 ,rand(),socket,(ulong)time(NULL),(ulong)clock(),server_host_name());
    4205 #if 0
    4206 lprintf(LOG_DEBUG,"%04d SMTP CRAM-MD5 challenge: %s"
    4207 ,socket,challenge);
    4208 #endif
    4209 b64_encode(str,sizeof(str),challenge,strlen(challenge));
    /mailsrvr.c: 3078 in smtp_client_thread()
    3072 }
    3073 SAFEPRINTF(spam.file,"%sspam",scfg.data_dir);
    3074 spam.retry_time=scfg.smb_retry_time;
    3075 spam.subnum=INVALID_SUB;
    3077 srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL) ^ (time_t)GetCurrentThreadId())); /* seed random number generator */
    CID 470553: (DC.WEAK_CRYPTO)
    "rand" should not be used for security-related applications, because linear congruential algorithms are too easy to break.
    3078 rand(); /* throw-away first result */
    3079 SAFEPRINTF4(session_id,"%x%x%x%lx",getpid(),socket,rand(),(long)clock());
    3080 lprintf(LOG_DEBUG,"%04d %s [%s] Session ID=%s", socket, client.protocol, host_ip, session_id);
    3081 SAFEPRINTF3(msgtxt_fname,"%sSBBS_%s.%s.msg", scfg.temp_dir, client.protocol, session_id);
    3082 SAFEPRINTF3(newtxt_fname,"%sSBBS_%s.%s.new", scfg.temp_dir, client.protocol, session_id);
    3083 SAFEPRINTF3(logtxt_fname,"%sSBBS_%s.%s.log", scfg.temp_dir, client.protocol, session_id);
    /mailsrvr.c: 3079 in smtp_client_thread()
    3073 SAFEPRINTF(spam.file,"%sspam",scfg.data_dir);
    3074 spam.retry_time=scfg.smb_retry_time;
    3075 spam.subnum=INVALID_SUB;
    3077 srand((unsigned int)(time(NULL) ^ (time_t)GetCurrentThreadId())); /* seed random number generator */
    3078 rand(); /* throw-away first result */
    CID 470553: (DC.WEAK_CRYPTO)
    "rand" should not be used for security-related applications, because linear congruential algorithms are too easy to break.
    3079 SAFEPRINTF4(session_id,"%x%x%x%lx",getpid(),socket,rand(),(long)clock());
    3080 lprintf(LOG_DEBUG,"%04d %s [%s] Session ID=%s", socket, client.protocol, host_ip, session_id);
    3081 SAFEPRINTF3(msgtxt_fname,"%sSBBS_%s.%s.msg", scfg.temp_dir, client.protocol, session_id);
    3082 SAFEPRINTF3(newtxt_fname,"%sSBBS_%s.%s.new", scfg.temp_dir, client.protocol, session_id);
    3083 SAFEPRINTF3(logtxt_fname,"%sSBBS_%s.%s.log", scfg.temp_dir, client.protocol, session_id);
    3084 SAFEPRINTF3(rcptlst_fname,"%sSBBS_%s.%s.lst", scfg.temp_dir, client.protocol, session_id);

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=HRESupC-2F2Czv4BOaCWWCy7my0P0qcxCbhZ31OYv50yp-2FP9gGRhvFklLaQKuBylUrkMFB3WMR2p7qIYKYTZrh4E6fW2ok94RcmG1J20ETIf4-3DMQd3_g4j7BHlu96plUOfCQsO0yRjoWZCZl8YGnZ-2FUtT39hrCHTmGHVnVaZLqSbII6djd5LCfNN4WsVVM-2FraC40TFEmwnFiU15BSJwMmbqsO51yAB8H1Xj6zJDPHok6MSfH6DLipAvEvqiECGEj92Ja08CPuUfomEyNGrm6oICWjy04z9LEXD-2FV3t10gYjDHAgXUzBxC2US2YfoE3y-2FXo4-2F5AMeg-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Monday, December 18, 2023 16:39:00

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 470929: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /js_system.c: 1474 in js_filter_ip()

    *** CID 470929: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /js_system.c: 1474 in js_filter_ip()
    1468 js_system_private_t* sys;
    1469 if((sys = (js_system_private_t*)js_GetClassPrivate(cx,obj,&js_system_class))==NULL)
    1470 return JS_FALSE;
    1472 for(i=0; i<argc && fname == NULL; i++) {
    1473 if(JSVAL_IS_NUMBER(argv[i])) {
    CID 470929: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    Calling "JS_ValueToInt32" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 261 out of 293 times).
    1474 JS_ValueToInt32(cx, argv[i], &duration);
    1475 continue;
    1476 }
    1477 if(!JSVAL_IS_STRING(argv[i]))
    1478 continue;
    1479 JSVALUE_TO_MSTRING(cx, argv[i], p, NULL);

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=HRESupC-2F2Czv4BOaCWWCy7my0P0qcxCbhZ31OYv50yp-2FP9gGRhvFklLaQKuBylUrkMFB3WMR2p7qIYKYTZrh4E6fW2ok94RcmG1J20ETIf4-3Dx5vI_g4j7BHlu96plUOfCQsO0yRjoWZCZl8YGnZ-2FUtT39hrD-2FFZVvmg9UFbNVSslGQHixwK2gY0JhpVYuBk-2BPEk2wVNUawfpNFUquIquIwrbnMLyXyOL-2Bbdyy88jhCHaZkpnLltM6SvZPalWR8uvzHGJLXvipDKrDTZ6KfbbjJDM-2B9TK-2Bfg-2Bntn7n3JXz8-2BbuvXtlotoQiRFNfFKyqSao3USU5A-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Thursday, December 21, 2023 18:17:00

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    1 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 471381: Null pointer dereferences (NULL_RETURNS)
    /ssl.c: 412 in get_ssl_cert()

    *** CID 471381: Null pointer dereferences (NULL_RETURNS)
    /ssl.c: 412 in get_ssl_cert()
    407 if(!do_cryptInit())
    408 return -1;
    409 ssl_sync(cfg);
    410 lock_ssl_cert_write();
    411 cert_entry = malloc(sizeof(*cert_entry));
    CID 471381: Null pointer dereferences (NULL_RETURNS)
    Dereferencing "cert_entry", which is known to be "NULL".
    412 cert_entry->sess = -1;
    413 cert_entry->epoch = cert_epoch;
    414 cert_entry->next = NULL;
    416 /* Get the certificate... first try loading it from a file... */
    417 if(cryptStatusOK(cryptKeysetOpen(&ssl_keyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, cert_path, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY))) {

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=HRESupC-2F2Czv4BOaCWWCy7my0P0qcxCbhZ31OYv50yp-2FP9gGRhvFklLaQKuBylUrkMFB3WMR2p7qIYKYTZrh4E6fW2ok94RcmG1J20ETIf4-3DNVYG_g4j7BHlu96plUOfCQsO0yRjoWZCZl8YGnZ-2FUtT39hrAIQBrbLtBWXBu7NOIgqUVW-2FO9u7UhLy-2BFNLgqIU41zpqPfBM73Awa3dQxk3-2F184GO6VUS7KkG6sPhNBuQiQ4Keqf56uFZ5RoDxe4X35uihMatLZZvu1DTj5op2mLHIzl6CugzzedJw-2FjcHjqyoRYDdN5cjuB-2Bi1UXQGnATKvNQkg-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 16:39:00

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    3 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 471656: Memory - corruptions (OVERRUN)

    *** CID 471656: Memory - corruptions (OVERRUN) /tmp/sbbs-Dec-26-2023/src/smblib/smbfile.c: 367 in smb_addfile_withlist()
    362 if(list != NULL && *list != NULL) {
    363 size_t size = strListCount(list) * 1024;
    364 auxdata = calloc(1, size);
    365 if(auxdata == NULL)
    366 return SMB_ERR_MEM;
    CID 471656: Memory - corruptions (OVERRUN)
    Calling "strListCombine" with "auxdata" and "size - 1UL" is suspicious because of the very large index, 18446744073709551615. The index may be due to a negative parameter being interpreted as unsigned.
    367 strListCombine(list, auxdata, size - 1, "\r\n");
    368 }
    369 result = smb_addfile(smb, file, storage, extdesc, auxdata, path);
    370 free(auxdata);
    371 return result;
    372 }

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=HRESupC-2F2Czv4BOaCWWCy7my0P0qcxCbhZ31OYv50yp-2FP9gGRhvFklLaQKuBylUrkMFB3WMR2p7qIYKYTZrh4E6fW2ok94RcmG1J20ETIf4-3D2BKI_g4j7BHlu96plUOfCQsO0yRjoWZCZl8YGnZ-2FUtT39hrCT6x0GAlc7xThQfLCGiCZdmR4qZP1NcowX1yNXO3dy1e3iYdu3LqPMf8Ps-2BXyXIS9z1-2BExxr9YuMCEQ-2FkgG8-2FT0EoCNRZOLQUTkkQaenBh-2FjMptDjEjYYaLSTPN90hBdPvbODU2Cx91ZtvmuRMrZszCSUsoWukacGJvvm4ij2thw-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Saturday, December 30, 2023 16:39:00

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    2 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    3 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 2 of 2 defect(s)

    ** CID 476254: (NULL_RETURNS) /tmp/sbbs-Dec-30-2023/3rdp/src/cl/session/ssh2_chn.c: 505 in getChannelAttribute()
    /tmp/sbbs-Dec-30-2023/3rdp/src/cl/session/ssh2_chn.c: 517 in getChannelAttribute()
    /tmp/sbbs-Dec-30-2023/3rdp/src/cl/session/ssh2_chn.c: 511 in getChannelAttribute()
    /tmp/sbbs-Dec-30-2023/3rdp/src/cl/session/ssh2_chn.c: 525 in getChannelAttribute()

    *** CID 476254: (NULL_RETURNS) /tmp/sbbs-Dec-30-2023/3rdp/src/cl/session/ssh2_chn.c: 505 in getChannelAttribute()
    499 if( isNullChannel( channelInfoPtr ) )
    500 return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND );
    501 *value = channelInfoPtr->channelID;
    502 return( CRYPT_OK );
    CID 476254: (NULL_RETURNS)
    Dereferencing "writeChannelInfoPtr", which is known to be "NULL".
    505 if( isNullChannel( writeChannelInfoPtr ) )
    506 return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND );
    507 *value = isActiveChannel( writeChannelInfoPtr ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    508 return( CRYPT_OK );
    510 case CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSH_CHANNEL_OPEN: /tmp/sbbs-Dec-30-2023/3rdp/src/cl/session/ssh2_chn.c: 517 in getChannelAttribute()
    511 if( isNullChannel( writeChannelInfoPtr ) )
    512 return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND );
    513 *value = ( writeChannelInfoPtr->flags & CHANNEL_FLAG_READCLOSED ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    514 return( CRYPT_OK );
    CID 476254: (NULL_RETURNS)
    Dereferencing "writeChannelInfoPtr", which is known to be "NULL".
    517 if( isNullChannel( writeChannelInfoPtr ) )
    518 return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND );
    519 if (writeChannelInfoPtr->width == 0)
    520 return CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND;
    521 *value = channelInfoPtr->width;
    522 return( CRYPT_OK ); /tmp/sbbs-Dec-30-2023/3rdp/src/cl/session/ssh2_chn.c: 511 in getChannelAttribute()
    505 if( isNullChannel( writeChannelInfoPtr ) )
    506 return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND );
    507 *value = isActiveChannel( writeChannelInfoPtr ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    508 return( CRYPT_OK );
    CID 476254: (NULL_RETURNS)
    Dereferencing "writeChannelInfoPtr", which is known to be "NULL".
    511 if( isNullChannel( writeChannelInfoPtr ) )
    512 return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND );
    513 *value = ( writeChannelInfoPtr->flags & CHANNEL_FLAG_READCLOSED ) ? FALSE : TRUE;
    514 return( CRYPT_OK );
    516 case CRYPT_SESSINFO_SSH_CHANNEL_WIDTH: /tmp/sbbs-Dec-30-2023/3rdp/src/cl/session/ssh2_chn.c: 525 in getChannelAttribute()
    519 if (writeChannelInfoPtr->width == 0)
    520 return CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND;
    521 *value = channelInfoPtr->width;
    522 return( CRYPT_OK );
    CID 476254: (NULL_RETURNS)
    Dereferencing "writeChannelInfoPtr", which is known to be "NULL".
    525 if( isNullChannel( writeChannelInfoPtr ) )
    526 return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND );
    527 if (writeChannelInfoPtr->height == 0)
    528 return CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND;
    529 *value = channelInfoPtr->height;
    530 return( CRYPT_OK );

    ** CID 476253: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    /jsdebug.c: 335 in script_debug_prompt()

    *** CID 476253: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    /jsdebug.c: 335 in script_debug_prompt()
    329 JS_SetInterrupt(JS_GetRuntime(dbg->cx), finish_handler, NULL);
    330 return DEBUG_CONTINUE;
    331 }
    332 if(strncmp(line, "quit\n", 5)==0 ||
    333 strncmp(line, "q\n", 2)==0
    334 ) {
    CID 476253: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    Variable "line" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
    335 return (DEBUG_EXIT);
    336 }
    337 if(strncmp(line, "eval ", 5)==0 ||
    338 strncmp(line, "e ", 2)==0
    339 ) {
    340 jsval ret;

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=HRESupC-2F2Czv4BOaCWWCy7my0P0qcxCbhZ31OYv50yp-2FP9gGRhvFklLaQKuBylUrkMFB3WMR2p7qIYKYTZrh4E6fW2ok94RcmG1J20ETIf4-3Dk6EJ_g4j7BHlu96plUOfCQsO0yRjoWZCZl8YGnZ-2FUtT39hrA-2FX8i-2FapdB1BvZRHSxZvnvG9Gt4EGgnMOyOKJdrt0Ow7WO8U9rY3qdLrGQhhG9KhbgCqQ-2BdjF-2FCZbP8g3Gc1r4QsbMjorELhC-2FfCV8hEXjaVc-2BoAqZ2-2FQeAkDjxFrK3m04is-2FE5aOQcl1hrivcYLiwVEHyHlsUWiqdJNrqtFX4OA-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Tuesday, January 09, 2024 16:51:00

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 477525: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /ssl.c: 413 in get_ssl_cert()

    *** CID 477525: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /ssl.c: 413 in get_ssl_cert()
    407 CRYPT_CERTIFICATE ssl_cert;
    408 char sysop_email[sizeof(cfg->sys_inetaddr)+6];
    409 struct cert_list *cert_entry;
    411 if(!do_cryptInit(lprintf))
    412 return -1;
    CID 477525: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    Calling "ssl_sync" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 6 out of 7 times).
    413 ssl_sync(cfg, lprintf);
    414 lock_ssl_cert_write();
    415 cert_entry = malloc(sizeof(*cert_entry));
    416 if(cert_entry == NULL) {
    417 unlock_ssl_cert_write(lprintf);
    418 free(cert_entry);

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=HRESupC-2F2Czv4BOaCWWCy7my0P0qcxCbhZ31OYv50yp-2FP9gGRhvFklLaQKuBylUrkMFB3WMR2p7qIYKYTZrh4E6fW2ok94RcmG1J20ETIf4-3DG04V_g4j7BHlu96plUOfCQsO0yRjoWZCZl8YGnZ-2FUtT39hrDEpEnmlDe-2FjbKZ4LOKbSyZqFRJl-2FW97DzLqL9YhzmfB5NVnMDaFqAVAu8sqMXAtM7gluOaLuz78sK9hLjatBB8CSJ6nN9iJHgKoglAvkWzF0D2D3-2FP2KvQ4r0FVsLXVQDobxZi1VHS1fHv1o1JN4QuvSLew5iAWvpjb3EkIuqiHp61IxzA0v1Q4zB-2F2vdQH-2Fs-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net